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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mary Sue

The last but not least, is baby Mary Sue. She is the youngest, the funniest, and just a goober. She is 12 years old and will be in sixth grade. Out of all my siblings, I remember her birth the best. I remember thinking to myself, REALLY, another sibling?! But it would not be the same without her. Her laugh is absolutely contagious and she loves to be going and doing things all the time. Out of all of us, I think she has tried every sport imaginable. From cheerleading, softball, soccer, and tennis..the list could go on for a day. She's such a momma's girl. But, who isn't?


Katie is 15 years old and probably the smartest and athletic kid combined that I know. She literally (I think) is the perfect child. She will be a freshman in high school and is already torn between what sports she should play. She is skilled in soccer (major soccer family), but she loves to run cross country and track. She is so FAST. She is the child that listens the first time, very studious, eats super healthy, and just has an easy going attitude. Literally such a great sis. :)


Sydney is the closest in age to me (18). Everyone calls her my twin because we look almost identical to each other. Between answering the phone and looks, so many people confuse us! It's like we are twins, but really not at all! She excelled in soccer in high school, while I was really good in tennis. She is a lot more stubborn, as I am laid back. We are both very similar in being in love with summer and having spontaneous adventures. We are either best friends or enemies. We have shared a room our whole life and the first year I went away for college it was so weird not having her there. Sisters are really something!


I am one of four girls and I have an angel brother in heaven. I am the second to oldest in my family. My parents are two of the most amazing role models in my life. They do everything they can to provide for my family. I love each and everyone to pieces. Life would not be the same if any of them were missing. Family provides something in life that is so precious. Without family, we would not have much. They help shape who we are and are there to catch us when we fall. I adore my family.

What animal are you?

Instead of asking yourself, what animal would you be, I decided to take into perspective what animal best describes you. My co-workers told me I would be a meer-cat. When I asked why, this was my response: I am very social and have a huge network of friends and family. I move around like crazy and am always ready to go on some type of adventure. I love being outside in the sun.


At this very moment, if I could leave and go anywhere in the world for a vacation, I would go to Australia. Why, you may ask? I have always wanted to go visit Australia. There economy is doing tremendous, it's so relaxing, and every person I have ever met from there has been so relaxed and chill. I would learn how to surf, go hang out with some kangaroos, see the wallabies, visit the opera house in Sydney, creep into New Zealand to see where the Hobbit movies were filmed, take a walk about in the bush, eat all the fresh food, and meet crocodile dundee. I would also take my co-worker Cathy with me, since she suggested half of these! :) We would want to see the aborigine playing the didgeridoo.

Super Powers

I just asked both my co-workers, "if you had any super power, what would it be and why"? These are my responses: Letha would have the power to make whatever she wanted to appear before her. She said she could use it for selfishness or to help others. When I asked her what she would like to appear for selfishness, she said: money, willing men, clothes, cars, and homes. As far as helping others: she would provide  food for the hungry, clothes for the naked, and shelter for the homeless.
My other co-worker, Cathy, said she would want to be able to control the elements. She feels like it would serve humanity, in a positive way. She could provide rain where there is drought, where there is flooding, she would provide sunshine, she went send storms in alternate directions to save lives and property, and she would make sure it snowed every Christmas!